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Ilex aquifolium
Common Holly Standard
18L 120-130cm


Delivered in 1 Week. Includes FREE Plant Food

Usually upright, dense evergreen shrub or tree. Variable leaf shape from entire to spine toothed or spiny. Insignificant white flowers are followed by red, orange or rarely yellow berries. As with most hollies the male and female flowers are borne on different plants so that to be sure of a good crop of berries both male and female must be present. Berries are carried on the female plants.


Usually upright, dense evergreen shrub or tree. Variable leaf shape from entire to spine toothed or spiny. Insignificant white flowers are followed by red, orange or rarely yellow berries. As with most hollies the male and female flowers are borne on different plants so that to be sure of a good crop of berries both male and female must be present. Berries are carried on the female plants.

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