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No 2 Supreme Potting Compost


Petersfield No2 Supreme Potting Compost 60L bag.

Professional growers range compost designed for long term potting where greater water retention and buffering is required.

A superior blend of medium-grade Sphagnum peat, sterilised loam and vermiculite: perfectly suited to larger plant pots, baskets and tubs, and giving great results every time.

This high-quality compost is ideal to help topiary, shrubs and other small trees to thrive!


Petersfield No2 Supreme Potting Compost 60L bag.

Professional growers range compost designed for long term potting where greater water retention and buffering is required.

A superior blend of medium-grade Sphagnum peat, sterilised loam and vermiculite: perfectly suited to larger plant pots, baskets and tubs, and giving great results every time.

This high-quality compost is ideal to help topiary, shrubs and other small trees to thrive!

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