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Prunus laurocerasus 'Rotundifolia'
Cherry Laurel
25L 150cm


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Prunus laurocerasus, also known as cherry laurel and common laurel is an evergreen shrub with hansdsome, glossy dark green leaves up to 15cm in length. It is an excellent hedging plant that can cope with deep shade as well as full sun. Small white flowers are followed by cherry-like glossy red fruits which turn black when ripe in early autumn.

Recommended planting density: 1-2 plants per metre



Prunus laurocerasus, also known as cherry laurel and common laurel is an evergreen shrub with hansdsome, glossy dark green leaves up to 15cm in length. It is an excellent hedging plant that can cope with deep shade as well as full sun. Small white flowers are followed by cherry-like glossy red fruits which turn black when ripe in early autumn.

Recommended planting density: 1-2 plants per metre

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